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Olesya Blashchenko


I am Olesya Blashchenko, an Italian interior designer with 21 years of experience living in Italy. With my Italian partners, we create unique interior solutions, combining a passion for innovation and creativity with classic Italian style.

My mission is to help you realize your dreams of beautiful and functional spaces, reflecting your values and ambitions. I also specialize in furniture selection and coordinating the production of custom-made furniture, ensuring that every element of the interior meets your needs and expectations. I take pride in my experience and professional expertise and will be happy to assist you in creating an interior that inspires and brings success. Trust me with your dream of the perfect interior, and together we will make it a reality.

My story

I am a professional with a dual expertise in economics and interior design, and more than two decades of my life have been devoted to the development and implementation of international projects in the field of design and architecture. My career began in Ukraine, where I received my higher education in economics, which allows me to understand not only the aesthetics but also the economic value of well-organized spaces.

Having moved to Italy in 2004, I immersed myself in the rich culture and style of this country, which is reflected in my work. Training at prestigious Italian institutions, including the Academy of Design in Verona, gave me unique skills that allow me to create not only beautiful but also functional interiors.

In collaboration with my Italian partners, we create unique interior solutions, combining a passion for innovation and creativity with classic Italian style. This collaboration allows us to provide a wider range of services and offers our clients even more opportunities in creating their ideal interiors.

My specialization is interior design, furniture selection, and turnkey project implementation in Italy. I am proud to offer a full range of services: from the initial concept to the final touches in project implementation. I provide my clients with the experience and knowledge of multiple languages, which allows me to effectively communicate with suppliers and coordinate the entire process, ensuring the seamless realization of their desires.

My work is not limited to the borders of one country – I have successfully completed a number of international projects, including both residential and commercial properties. This makes me the perfect choice for those seeking unconventional and creative solutions. My understanding of different cultures and global design trends allows me to create unique interiors that reflect the personality and lifestyle of each client.

With me, you will receive not only a qualified specialist but also a dedicated partner ready to bring your boldest ideas and projects to life in the field of creating your dream interior in the heart of Italy.

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I was deeply impressed by the professionalism and dedication of your team. In a world where time is precious, and daily challenges seem never-ending, your service truly made a difference in my life. With a hectic career and limited time to spare, I was seeking a way to make my renovation projects more manageable and efficient, and you provided exactly what I needed.

Your ability to handle every aspect, from preserving historical details to navigating complex local regulations, was a relief. You allowed me to save precious time without compromising the quality and integrity of my project. Your professional approach and attention to detail were unparalleled.

Not only did you turn the challenges of renovation into a seamless process, but you also added an authentic touch and historical value to my project. Thanks to your team, I was able to preserve the historical heritage of this unique place while adapting it to my modern needs.

I am extremely grateful for your outstanding work and would not hesitate to recommend your services to anyone seeking a stress-free and impeccable renovation solution. Thank you again for turning my dream into a hassle-free reality.

I’d like to share my experience working with your team. Your assistance in preparing the apartment for leasing was truly exceptional.

With a busy lifestyle and limited time on my hands, I was seeking a reliable partner to handle the entire process of preparing and maintaining my rental apartment. Your professionalism and attention to detail made everything much easier.

You did an outstanding job optimizing the space, ensuring everything was in perfect condition, and even adding some design touches that made the apartment truly appealing to potential tenants.

Thanks to you, I was able to lease my property in a very short time, achieving a great return on investment. Your dedication to delivering high-quality results exceeded my expectations, and I would definitely recommend your services to anyone looking for a hassle-free solution for property preparation for leasing. Once again, thank you for the exceptional work.

I purchased an apartment in Vienna for investment purposes and wanted to renovate and furnish it in a classic Italian style. You handled all the work with minimal involvement from me. Your team did an outstanding job in optimizing the space, ensuring everything was in perfect condition, and adding those design touches that made the apartment truly appealing to potential buyers and tenants. Thanks to you, I was able to complete the project in a very short time, achieving an excellent return on investment. Your dedication to delivering high-quality results exceeded my expectations, and I would definitely recommend your services to anyone looking for a hassle-free solution for property renovation and furnishing. Thanks again for the exceptional work.

(It) Ремонт – это просто кошмар, я человек творческий и щепетильный, но сама проектировать дизайн квартиры не решилась. Особенно после самодизайна подруги в стиле лофт – печальное зрелище, вроде и вкус у неё есть, а целостности картинки не хватает((

Решила, что дизайн под ключ – это только к профессионалу. Обращаясь к Олесе была настроена скептически, ну как же, кто-то и знает лучше меня, что и как должно быть в моём доме!

Сразу удивил профессиональный подход, она будто почувствовала меня и то, что я хочу, муж так мои желания не предугадывал, как это получалось у неё. Буквально – спросила про знак зодиака и сразу предложила стиль, от которого я просто без ума! Может, у меня и у самой получилось бы сделать что-то подобное, но, боюсь, это было бы всего лишь «чем-то подобным». А так хочется неповторимый эксклюзивный вариант! Спасибо, Олесе за то, что я его получила!

(It) Очень долго искала дизайнера, облазила кучу сайтов, ведь заказать дизайн под ключ – ответственное дело! Хочется, чтобы дом был идеален, но, как и кто мне эго таким сделает, если из-за бизнеса у меня совсем не было времени на то, чтобы уделить этому вопросу достаточно внимания. Кое-как нашла время и заполнила анкеты и тесты на сайты Олеси, заняло немного времени, и даже не ожидала такого потрясающего результата!


Олеся сделала дизайн интерьера, в который я просто влюбилась с первого взгляда! Это потрясающе, когда есть профессионалы, которые имея так мало информации, могут создавать такое совершенство. Продуманно всё до мелочей, и индивидуально, именно, как я хотела. Следующий на очереди дизайн загородного домика, и я уже точно знаю, что заказывать буду только у Олеси! Она лучшая!

(It) Ho acquistato un appartamento in un edificio di nuova costruzione, praticamente allo stato originale. Avevo bisogno di ristrutturarlo, ma purtroppo non disponevo di molto tempo libero, come spesso capita agli imprenditori. Alla fine, ho deciso di utilizzare i servizi di un’impresa edile. Tuttavia, ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere la designer Olesya Blashchenko, che mi è stata raccomandata da alcuni amici. Olesya è esperta in tutti gli aspetti della ristrutturazione edilizia. Ammetto che all’inizio ero scettico nell’affidare il mio progetto a uno specialista straniero. Dopotutto, in Italia, le bionde attraenti sono spesso associate a tutto tranne che all’intelligenza.

Nonostante le iniziali riserve, ho deciso di affidarle il progetto chiavi in mano. E Olesya non mi ha deluso, lavorando instancabilmente. Desidero ringraziarla per l’eccellente lavoro svolto; io e la mia famiglia siamo completamente soddisfatti degli interni del nostro nuovo appartamento!

(It) Fin da piccola non sono mai stata nota per il mio buon gusto, e le mie amiche spesso scherzavano su questo, anche se lo facevano in modo gentile, mi faceva comunque male. Così, dopo aver completato la ristrutturazione della nostra casa, ho proposto a mio marito di utilizzare i servizi di un arredatore professionista. Abbiamo fatto una ricerca approfondita online e abbiamo scelto Olesya Blashchenko. Non ci siamo sbagliati, perché lei ha trasformato la nostra casa in un vero miracolo! Tutto è semplice ed elegante! Presto inviterò le mie amiche a vederla e non vedo l’ora di vedere la loro reazione.

Grazie mille, Olesya!

(It) Onestamente, all’inizio ero preoccupata, perchè non mi sono mai occupata di ricostruzione. Però aspettavo gli ospiti dall’estero e volevo impressionarli.

Ho conosciuto designer Olesya Blashchenko navigando in Internet. Ho deciso di cogliere il rischio e fidami pienamente di lei, così ho ordinato il progetto di design insieme alla supervisione d’autore. Il progetto di design di interni mi è piaciuto per la sua originalità e semplicità.

Era proprio quello che volevo. Ho apprezzato anche che il costo del progetto fosse accessibile. Ero sbalordita, quando mi hanno detto di lasciare libero l’appartamento e non fare più niente altro, proprio come nelle telecast di case su misura!

Olesya stessa cercava gli appaltatori, veniva spesso a controllare la qualità di lavoro. Ero stupita dell’energia e capacità lavorativa di questa donna.

Grazie Olesya per gli interni impeccabili e per il tuo grande lavoro!

(It) Era necessario risolvere il problema dell’illuminazione nella nostra villa di campagna. La villa è stata costruita molti anni fa, con soffitti alti e stanze spaziose. Illuminare uno spazio così ampio può essere una sfida, quindi ho richiesto una consulenza personalizzata al designer Olesya Blashchenko.

Olesya è una persona molto piacevole e colta, ed è un piacere parlare con lei. Mi ha proposto alcune tecniche di illuminazione estremamente efficaci, e per questo le sono molto grato.

(It) Volevo scegliere mobili ed attrezzatura per la cucina, quindi ho deciso di utilizzare la consulenza gratuita della designer Olesya Blashchenko.

Olesya ha gentilmente offerto il suo aiuto e ci ha presentato diverse proposte di varie marche. Ha buoni contatti in questo settore, quindi sicuramente utilizzerò i suoi servizi per arredare la mia cucina.

Master Class for Beginner Designers

I present to your attention a detailed and informative guide, “Master Class for Beginner Designers.” I put in a lot of effort to create it, and I hope it will serve as a valuable resource for both newcomers in the field of design and construction and anyone looking to discover the secrets of a design master’s work.

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